Our Clinic

Orthowear is located in The Georgina Business Center,  449 The Queensway South in Keswick. It is in close proximity to many other health care providers.

The location is accessible by public transportation. Ample parking is also available including a designated handicapped accessible spot.

All patients will be assessed by a Canadian Board Certified Orthotist. A Certified Orthotist C.O.(c) is a rehabilitative healthcare professional educated and trained in patient assessment, evaluation, design, fabrication and fitting of custom orthopedic devices.

Lesley Hutchison, BSc (Kinesiology), is a Canadian Board Certified Orthotist. She has eighteen years of experience in the field of custom orthopedic bracing and has had the privilege of being  part of numerous teams across Quebec, (J.E. Hanger), Florida, (Shriners Hospital Tampa) and Ontario.

Since returning to Ontario in 2003, she has gained extensive experience working with both the pediatric and adult populations. She has been clinically involved in various pediatric rehabilitation clinics including the Southlake Regional Health Centre Pediatric Orthotic Foot Clinic in Newmarket, Ontario.

Lesley currently lives in Georgina with her husband and three children.

Orthowear is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people who are challenged by a physical limitation. Please don’t hesitate to call with any questions you may have. We are here to help you reach your full potential.